Thursday, May 3, 2012

I  can't believe how long it has been since I last posted.  I am now married for almost 9 months and love every second (well almost) of being married.

My awesome husband started working at as a temp during the holidays and was just made a permanent employee with!  What a wonderful answer to prayer.  Now we aren't sure we will still be going to Texas next year it was a surprise to hear that coming out of his mouth), but I am trusting my Heavenly Father to sort it all out.

In the meantime, I am still working on building my Shelf Reliance Business, tossing things, and stocking my preps and pantry.  I just canned my first two pints of pork last week with my pressure canner.  We are in the process of planning our garden for this year, so far my wonderful husband has built my raised beds and we put over 600# of soil and compost in, we still need another 600# minimum, then the plants.  Every year my Mother's Day present has been my garden so I am looking forward to shopping for the plants in the next week or so.

I am looking forward to making Jam this summer, and salsa since we use it almost every day!  I also want to can green beans if we get enough to can and do some more meats too.

I plan on the following for the garden this year:

Tomatoes (grape, plum and Jersey)
Peppers (all different colors and Jalepenos for Salsa)
Potatoes (red and sweet)
Lettuce and Arugula
Squash (Zucchini, Yellow, and Spaghetti)
Green Beans
Cucumbers (maybe)

Chamomile (for tea)

We will see if anything else catches my eye when we go for plants.  I think my husband will be amazed at what my plants will cost, but with prayer and proper maintenance, hopefully my garden will do well this year and make it worthwhile.  He is a hard sell on stuff like this. 


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm Mrs. Finnegan!

Well, I am now officially Mrs. Finnegan! Scott and I got married on Friday and it was as perfect as I could ever have imagined. Our civil ceremony had a lot of faith based touches, thanks to my wonderful friend Judge David H. Judy of Middletown, PA. The people who were supposed to be ther were, some unfortunately were not able to attend, and were greatly missed, but all in all, it was a nice day. Despite having a gown that weighs a ton, it was cool and I didn't pass out either.
So, now to work on that future we are planning. . . I think I found a small house plan to use for our home that we want to build. I am so ready to start getting rid of "stuff" en masse. I wish I had a dumpster I could just empty everything into and a moving truck to put only stuff that we can move without help into so we could just get out and get on with life. I will be happy when our lease is up and we can actually start the future we want.
In the meantime, I keep reading and studying and planning as much as I can. We are looking for a piece of rural land in Texas, don't ask me where, I have no clue. Maybe we should just toss a dart at a map and where it lands is where we go?
My husband by the way is soooo totally awesome and I am so happy and BLESSED!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Shelf Reliance/Thrive and The Q

I am so excited to be getting involved with this wonderful new company called Shelf Reliance. It will help me put a grocery store in my home. Always have fresh veggies, meats, eggs on demand, milk and fruits that tast as good as they would if I had gotten them at the market this morning.

What is Shelf Reliance? In short, Shelf Reliance is Emergency Food Storage. But that makes it sound simple and expensive - which it isn't when you consider how much you get for your Dollars.

I will be a consultant with Shelf Reliance in a few short weeks and I am so excited for the opportunity to share this with my friends and others.

So, think of these scenarios and how would you handle them, are you really ready?


THE PRESIDENT GOT ON THE TELEVISION TONIGHT AND STATED THAT HE WAS INSTITUTING MARTIAL LAW FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS? Would you have enough food in your house to feed your family for 30 days without leaving your house for ANYTHING?

Do you keep a gal. of water per person per day for a week at bare minimum in your home for emergencies? Do you have a water purification system? What if you lost power? How long would you be able to keep the food in your refrigerator or freezer stored before it started to spoil?


With your own Grocery Store in your home, these are things you wouldn't have to worry about. Yes, you can start small and work a little bit at a time building your food storage base through your regular weekly grocery shopping, that's how I got started and I will always use my regular shopping to build my food storage as well as my Thrive Q program.

So, if you are interested in being prepared for the future and whatever it may hold. Start doing your research, think about creating a 72 hour kit for every person in your home with things you would need for an emergency evacuation. Don't wait until the last minute, there won't be time! Prepare now so you can have peace of mind in case of a catastrophy.

Email me for more information, these topics will be covered in depth in the next several weeks through upcoming posts.
With Shelf Reliance you can keep foods in your home that will keep your family fead and healthy no matter what the circumstances.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Not Homestead related but so much fun!

Only 52 more days until I marry my best friend!

I am so happy! Despite the fact that I told myself I wouldn't tell my mom he asked me to marry him, I called and told mom the truth today, I feel better despite her demands, I am happy to let her have what she wants and still be able to marry my best friend.

I am looking forward to our future. In less than a year we will be on our way to our homestead and a wonderful new life, not an easy life, but a wonderful future.

I can't wait to be Mrs. Finngan

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rain Rain GO AWAY!

Well, it seems like it has been raining forever! I'm ready to build an ark for heaven's sake. Oh, and along those lines of thought, I didn't make it to the Rapture, guess I'm not good enough or something, or somehow someone got it wrong, which is what I believe, since only GOD knows when HE will end the world and rapture his people.

Anywhoo, I have my garden in, and the rain threatened to wash it away it seems. The onions seemed to be coming out of the dirt but they have settled and started to grow. My pepper plants are getting big too, no broccoli growth yet, or any evidence of squash or radishes, but it looks like my shallots are coming through.

I ordered 5lbs of alfalfa seeds for sprouting. I just can't seem to get enough of them. I don't think I will be planting anything else in the garden, I am praying my lettuce will come up eventually, my arrugula is looking good, the basil is trying hard, I think it just needs more sun, same with the cilantro, but it's still early.

I never did actually get a zucchini plant or two. I have no clue where I would put one now. I still want to dig a whole somewhere for potatoes that are sprouting in my pantry instead of wasting them.

I haven't even stirred the compost since it hasn't been sunny and it probably hasn't had much opportunity to "cook" but I may add some water to it today, really should go check on it at least. I keep hoping something will be ready soon to put around my veggies and encourage them to produce and grow.

In the meantime, to keep busy, I am still looking for a job, and until then, I am working on DIY projects for our wedding which is 75 days away! I did all the programs yesterday (with a lot of help from Staples!) I ordered a bunch of stuff off of the internet, my champagne flutes and cake knife set that I will decorate with the celtic knot charms I ordered (and adding lace and green ribbon). I got my earings which are celtic heart knots, and I found a great message board on Etsy that will be customized with our name and wedding date. It is made of burlap and will have our name in a script font in black with our date in fuchia. I also found some shamrock petals that will go with the pink rose petals on the table and cake table. If you can't see where I am going with this, my Fiancee is Irish and I am even having our cake decorated with falling shamrocks! He has NO CLUE!

I am getting excited about our future. Wedding, marriage and eventual move to Texas, I can't wait!

In the meantime, in preparation for a move, I have started to declutter and I am tossing stuff left, right and center! I don't need old videos anymore since no one watches them, cookbooks will go to the college Culinary Arts Library, LOTS of stuff is going in the trash, and some stuff will be sent to different re-uzit shops in the area.

Scott and I are already talking about building our house and what things we will want in it. It seems sureal that we will actually be building a home and have land next year. It actually seems like a dream that we are actually getting married in only 75 days. I am so happy and even more blessed to have such an awesome man in my life!

As always, thanks for reading my mindless posts!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Yummy Recipes

Came upon this and tweeked it a bit - I hope you enjoy it!


1LB Ground Turkey (as low fat as you can get it)

1/2 small onion chopped

1pkg Taco Seasoning

2 small cans tomato sauce

(If you like your food spicy, toss in a can of diced tomatoes with green chilies)

Refried Beans*** (see below to make your own from scratch for pennies)

Sour Cream - Light

low fat cheddar or jack cheese

tortillas - plain corn or whole wheat

Saute your turkey with the onion until all the pink is gone

Add Taco Seasoning and stir in

Add the tomato sauce and 1/2 small can of water

Mix well and let this simmer until almost reduced by 1/2 (you don't want it too thick since you need the sauce)

For the beans:

Take 1 cup Pinto Beans and rinse well

put the pinto's in a pot with some water to cover and add a few tablespoons of baking soda to help alleviate the gas after they are cooked.

let them come to a boil and drain.

Put the pinto's in a clean pot and boil the heck out of them until soft.

Drain the pinto's (retaining some cooking water to aid in mashing) and let cool enough to handle.

With a potato masher, mash the beans untiil smoothe and add salt and pepper to taste

Proceed as follows:

In a hot pan (preferably cast iron) heat the tortillas on each side until slightly browned and NOT CRISPY - they must remain pliable

top each tortilla with some bean mixture and then some meat mixture and fold over to close. Place the tortillas in a casserole and top with sauce and cheese.

Bake at 300degrees for about 20 min until heated through, toppingn with the cheddar cheese just before serving. Let sit until the cheese melts.

Serve with sour cream, and if you like, red rice and guacamole.


Happy Mother's Day to all moms

Happy Mother's day to all the mom's out there!

I was surprised with flowers from my sweetie - tomorrow is my Grandfather's birthday, gone 26 years and I still miss him horribly.

Now, with lots of junk coming down on me from my kids behavior, I am even more than ready to move to Texas. I know it seems as though I am running away, and maybe I am, I want to keep my family intact and live a more simple life.
Steps to doing this:
Pay down debt
Get a full time job to save $ for move and needed stuff (appliances, camping equipment, etc. . .)
start de-cluttering and getting rid of stuff I don't need and don't want to transport to our new home.
Keep learning how to make good homemade stuff, bread baking is coming along but not quite perfect yet. I also want to get a sewing machine and some fabric and start making things if I can.

I know what I want for furniture in our new home, so that is something to save for too. Getting rid of as much as possible so we don't have a ton of stuff to pack and move.

I want bicycles and dirt bikes too! :)
Fishing equipment for the guys

All in due time.

Right now I need to find a job! Sooo frustrating when I shouldn't be working weekends but it may have to be a sacrifice I make for our future.

Still looking for land. And we keep talking about the things we want to do in the house we will build, we are definitely on the same page, hardwood floors, tile in the kitchen, my wood stove/oven, haven't brought up the composting toilet yet :) or the need for propane refrigerator (huge expense), but it will all happen in due time.

One year from today we should be on our way (or less!) Now if I can just survive the next 90 days to our wedding! Lots of Drama there!

Take care everyone!