Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hmm, a taste of what the future will be like?

Ok, so I know I probably won't have the internet for a week at least after we land in Texas, but there are libraries. I can only hope my phone will work wherever we end up. Why do I ponder these things now? My phone service is down and it wasn't disconnected b/c I KNOW I paid the bill, and my internet went down too for a few hours! Lets just say it's going to take time to get used to this! I think I should start weaning myself off the internet soon so I have a year to get used to it! My phone? I think I would die without my phone - it's a security thing!

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Pioneer Princess!

Here she is ~ isn't she pretty?? I know, it's crazy to think of a stove in the "person" and pretty? Well to me SHE is PRETTY - especially because my Pioneer Princess Woodburniing stove will heat our home, our water and be used to cook and bake! I wish I had one to practice on now! But there she is in all her glory. I chose this because it has a thermostat control and since we like to bake and cook, we will need that little bit extra assurance as newbies! I am going to have a brick floor in the kitchen, and I picked out a few cabinets that are modular and easily moved from Ikea. I want shelving and drawers ~ bare basics. I am really going to have a hard time downsizing! Hmm, maybe I better start now! I have an idea of what I want our homestead to be and have. A large great room for kitchen, eating and living area and two bedrooms, with the option of adding a loft later on. I also want an old clawfoot tub. I want to go LOOK at oil lamps, not on the internet but in person - there has to be a place -Maybe BASS PRO shops? There will be things I will be hunting for to make sure we have them before we leave. I just got my small satellite dish, the roofers took it off when they were prepping for the new roof this morning. Yes, that was a lovely wake up call!! So, I am seriously looking forward to this! My 15 yr old informed me today "mom, I'm not going unless I have a dirtbike on the moving truck." Alrighty then, start saving kid! I am hoping the idea of baby chicks and ducks and maybe a pig will be enough incentive to get my 12 yr old excited. He is a much different kid than his brother. I start a job at the end of the week that will be one of the ways we make this move possible. I can't wait to start putting money in the bank and watch it grow as I add to it every payday. When I think of all we will need to cover, and I want to pay cash for most of it, it seems a bit overwhelming, LAND, Mobile home on the land until we get the cabin built, the possibility of digging a well, the Pioneer Princess - heck, she can go in the yard until the house is built! :) good thing she is cast iron and stainless steel - she will be able to handle the weather. I am so blessed that my fiance is skilled at building homes, working with concrete etc. . . I have so much to learn but I want to learn so much so I can grow more self sufficient as time goes on. Everything is a learning experience. The only thing that keeps me from getting too overwhelmed is knowing that this is what I am supposed to be doing, and since I know that, I also know that my Heavenly Father will provide what we need when we need it to make it all possible. Right now, my countdown clock on my computer desktop is counting down to our wedding. . . 4 months, 14 days, 20 hours, 18 minutes and seconds. . . Thank goodness it's going to be small! less than 10 people! I only wish my BFF would be here to be my Matron of Honor - but she will be in California after a move from Alaska :(. I can't wait till I can finally put my arms around her and hug her big time! Well, since the roofers are here, I hear dirt coming through the hole in the closet, time to get out the Dyson and get to work!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

We've only just begun

Hi Everyone and welcome to my blog. This is all new to me, but to let you know what the future months hold, it will be notes and stories, dreams, ideas and plans on the future path our family will be taking towards homesteading in Texas. Yes, you read it right, I live in PA and I am ready to pack up my life, my kids and my sweetie and head to the great outdoors and the mountains of Texas to live a more simple life. I am tired of the hustle and bustle of close to city living, and I want to get away, raise chickens and have a garden, sell my ShelfReliance Food Storage products and learn how to relax! I want to learn how to bake bread and have a stall at the local farmers market! I look forward to cooking on a wood stove and heating our home and water with it, having a fireplace (of course this goes without saying), and building a nice cabin to live in and live off grid with no ties to the sources that keep us bound to the grid. Give me solar power, wind power, a well with fresh water, my cast iron cookware, jeans/overalls/boots and sneekers and I am ready to go! I have wanted a garden for as long as I can remember, and my son loves baby chicks, it teaches gentleness in children and as the chicks grow, will help teach them self reliance. No relying on the government to take care of us, simply, I am tired of living depending on my monthly checks and I want to work and work hard! So there you have it. My first blog post! It may not be much, but it's a start and you have to start somewhere!