Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm Mrs. Finnegan!

Well, I am now officially Mrs. Finnegan! Scott and I got married on Friday and it was as perfect as I could ever have imagined. Our civil ceremony had a lot of faith based touches, thanks to my wonderful friend Judge David H. Judy of Middletown, PA. The people who were supposed to be ther were, some unfortunately were not able to attend, and were greatly missed, but all in all, it was a nice day. Despite having a gown that weighs a ton, it was cool and I didn't pass out either.
So, now to work on that future we are planning. . . I think I found a small house plan to use for our home that we want to build. I am so ready to start getting rid of "stuff" en masse. I wish I had a dumpster I could just empty everything into and a moving truck to put only stuff that we can move without help into so we could just get out and get on with life. I will be happy when our lease is up and we can actually start the future we want.
In the meantime, I keep reading and studying and planning as much as I can. We are looking for a piece of rural land in Texas, don't ask me where, I have no clue. Maybe we should just toss a dart at a map and where it lands is where we go?
My husband by the way is soooo totally awesome and I am so happy and BLESSED!

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